About Aagam

On a mission for a better India

AagamOrg Forum (Aagam) is focused on empowering underprivileged youth to help them evolve into contributing members of Society.
Responding to some of the difficulties faced by these children/youth, and directing our attention to the creation of an informed young Adult, we at Aagam, have narrowed down the task to creation of awareness on:

- National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS): completion of Xth Board exams through the Government of India’s Open Schooling.

- Citizenship: Aagam handholds the young adult into being informed citizens of India.

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Marginalized no more! We will work towards a nation where every young Adult, empowered by a base education and an understanding of Citizenship, can hold her head high, confident in the knowledge that she contributes to her country’s governance



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